Here's a sneak peek at a few of the 250+ questions that have been submitted to ReGen Next. Stay tuned. We're working on them. And, don't forget to follow us on Instagram @regeneration_next and like us on Facebook @ReGen Next.

Health & Wellness

  • How are babies made?

    Biologically, a female has two ovaries which contain eggs (ova, female gamete).  A male has two testicles which produce sperm (male gamete).  After puberty (which usually occurs around age 11), females release an egg from either of the ovaries each month.  The egg travels through the fallopian tube inside the female's body. This is called ovulation, and it lasts 2-5 days.   If a male who has  also gone through puberty engages in sexual intercourse with a female while ovulation is occuring, the sperm and the egg can join together (fertilization) to create a baby (conception).   The fertilized egg then continues to travel through the fallopian tube until it reaches the uterine wall inside the female where it will attach and grow for the next nine months. 

  • Is a vasectomy the same as getting neutered?

    No. Vasectomy and neutering (castration) are not the same. Vasectomy is the cutting of the vas deferens, the tubes in males through which sperm travel from the testicles during sexual  intercourse. Castration is the surgical removal of the testicles. Castration is done only on animals. When the testes are removed, it results in loss of masculinity because of the absence of male hormones (testosterone). Testosterone is produced in the testes. Vasectomy does not involve removal of the male’s testicles.

  • Is there a certain number of kids a woman can have before it is an unhealthy thing?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How many testicles am I supposed to have?

    Typically, a biological male has two testicles.  During gestation, the testicles form in the abdomen of the male child but then drop into the scrotum (skin sacs located beneath the penis) at around the 7th month of prenatal development.


  • Is sex bad?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How far is too far?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do teens think that in relationships you have to have sex to show that you love each other?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you know if you have an STD?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What is the risk of getting pregnant with condoms or birth control?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What are the signs of HIV?

    Great question! Answer pending.

Family Relationsips

  • Why don’t parents trust you sometimes?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why does my father not want to be a part of my life?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why does my mom use drugs instead of talking to us about her problems?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do children have to respect their parents, but parents are not required to respect their children?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do I take care of a kid if I don't have a job?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What does it take to be the best mom/dad ever?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you tell your mom you/your gf is pregnant?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why are so many fathers not in their child's life?

    Great question! Answer pending.

Culture & Society

  • Why is it so hard to just get along?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why can people say things through a screen but not to your face?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why are there homeless people when supposedly we all have "equal opportunity"?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do people care about other people’s sexuality so much?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is the real world really that bad?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • How do you know what a good relationship looks like?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why are females so confusing?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Does age really matter in a dating relationship?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do people cheat?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is my relationship unhealthy? My girlfriend is very forward and clingy and I am not comfortable with it. I have told her about this and she seems to understand but continues to do the same things. I love her very much and I do not want to hurt her.

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • How many parents actually stay married?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What are things that a good marriage should have?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why can't high schoolers get married? Why has it become the social norm to wait until college or after?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What is marriage like? Is it hard?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • At what age do most people get married?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why is it best to be a virgin when you get married?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How long does a typical marriage last statistically?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you know you found the person you should marry?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • If God is our heavenly Father, does that make Jesus my heavenly brother?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why should we care what God thinks?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why did God even create humans if we were just going to mess up?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you have a good relationship with God if you can't physically see or hear him?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Are eating disorders a sin?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do I know exactly what God wants me to do with my life?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is God real?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Did God ever set dating standards for His people?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • I wonder if my mom is really looking over me and sees what I go through. If so, why doesn't she ask God to help me?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • What am I going to do if I don't accomplish my dreams?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is it wrong I don't like the way I look and am?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Do things really happen for a reason, and if so what are the benefits?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Will all of this be worth it? Will everyone see how much I'm really trying?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Other than to serve God, what's the purpose of life?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do people try to be something they are not and knock others’ confidence down?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How would doing something crazy affect you?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is life fun?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How can you make yourself so that you will be likeable to others? What if you can't be yourself around others?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How can I get more friends?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • How much is it to go to an out of state college?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do we have to take a foreign language class?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What classes do I take to be a veterinarian?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you become a singer?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What is college like?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why don't we go to school all year round?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why do schools think that it's okay to push a child or teen to their limits? We have so much stress and I'm tired of the bs and Algebra?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why don't I learn about problems that I as a teenager am actually being faced with, like suicide and mental issues?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • Do fish get thirsty?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • What is inside a motor that makes it spin when you add electricity?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Are tomatoes a fruit or vegetable?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Do all birds know each other? Can they all talk to each other?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Why is the sky blue?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is it true that you start out as a girl in your mom's stomach?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Is a sub-atomic particle truly a wave? If so, how does it pertain to weight?

    Great question! Answer pending.


  • How much does the fattest baby on the world weigh?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • Can I get paid for sleeping?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How is bowling a sport?

    Great question! Answer pending.

  • How do you make banana pudding?

    Great question! Answer pending.

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