To regenerate critical thinking and unwavering hope in the next generation.
“Many look at the heartbeat tattoo as a symbol of renewed life. If the heart is still beating, you have a chance to change your path, and this is a chance to start over. The heartbeat line can be a symbol of power, strength, endurance, love, passion and the ability to keep moving forward when everything in the world is holding you back.”
Anthony Sink, TATTOOSEO
because we all have plan and purpose.
because it's not always about me.
and fruit
and sleep and exercise and all things that lead to health and wellness.
because its never too late to learn something new and do something different.
In biology, regeneration is the regrowth of an injured or missing part. Regeneration of the heart and mind after experiencing various degrees of physical, mental and/or emotional injury requires the ability to bounce back. Resiliency is what we encourage and cultivate in the youth, young adults and families we serve.
Through classroom instruction, presentations and workshops, we strive to improve the health, academic and life outcomes of youth by equipping them with the tools, information, and support (preventative and restorative) that will empower them:
We empower parents in their roles of primary caregiver, mentor and protector through parenting classes (group and 1on1) that offer strategies which increase levels of parent-child connectedness, inspire healthy decision-making and bring greater understanding to the life-altering effects of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).
And, through our partnerships with others who serve youth and families, we create a culture in community which shifts social messaging from the normalization of unhealthy thinking and behaviors to the prioritization of healthy relationships and physical/mental health and wellness.
Students served since 2018 in Kalamazoo, Calhoun, Eaton and Muskegon counties of Michigan.
Parents served since 2018 in Kalamazoo, Calhoun and Kent counties including participants in our new virtual (1on1 or group) eClasses.
Average improvement in pre to post test scores for participants who complete our parent education classes
(70% to 93%).