For Parents


PARENT (noun)    1 b:  a person who brings up and cares for another  Merriam-Webster 

    Family is where our stories begin.  And, how children are parented can affect them for life.  As parents and caregivers, we can all use a little help when navigating our way through the noise of a world (real and/or virtual) full of confusing and conflicting information about…well…everything.

   At ReGen Next, we give parents the information they need
to turn down the volume on messaging that can negatively impact the health of their homes. We provide spaces where they can get answers to their questions as they guide their children through the many stages of early childhood and adolescent development. Our presenters are experienced educators who strengthen families by providing the knowledge to recognize and the encouragement to change unhealthy thinking and behaviors. 

Offered community-wide.  8-week sessions held quarterly (fall Oct-Nov, winter Feb-Mar,

spring Apr-May, summer July-Aug).

Group, 1on1, in-person and virtual* classes are available.
Academic and attendance criteria must be met for successful completion.


Turn Down the Volume (TDTV)

TDTV is designed to increase levels of parent-child connectedness by combining content adapted from Building Family Connections (BFC), a 10-hr curriculum created by the Medical Institute, World Vision and funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and content created and facilitated by local wellness and child development professionals

Topics include: Great Parenting, Effective Communication, Understanding Child Development, Discipline For Children and The Value of Self-Care.

Parenting For Life (PFL)

PFL provides weekly discussions of the fundamentals of effective parenting adapted from Building Family Connections (BFC) and the video series Five Needs That Must Be Met At Home by family counselor Ron Hutchcraft, founder and president of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries and On Eagles' Wings Native American youth outreach.  

 Spring 2025 enrollment is now OPEN.  Spring 2025 classes will begin the week of April 7, 2025. Morning, afternoon or evening sessions are held weekly. Please click the registration button below to submit your contact information and class preferences. A ReGen Next (RGNXT) representative will respond within 48 business hours.

Thank you!

Click Here To Register

*Please note:  For virtual eClasses, a digital device (ex. mobile phone, laptop, tablet) and email account are required. All instructional eClasses meet online with in-person testing administered by appointment at local partnering sites.

Placement on a waiting list does not guarantee class enrollment. All waitlisted persons will be contacted with class details when available in order to confirm participation. 

Stay safe. Be well.


PEP Talks

Parent Engagement Panels

These events are designed to create spaces where parents can:


with educators and presenters who share information that will strengthen families.

Become Informed

in constructive ways to address relevant and, at times, difficult topics.

Click for PEP Topics

Feel Connected

because together we can make a difference. 

Leave Encouraged

knowing that hope is alive.

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